Joe Major Joins Haven Board of Directors

[Press Release] Joe Major Joins Upper Valley Haven Board
January 2023
CONTACT: Spencer Sanders, (802) 478-1806 or
The Upper Valley Haven has announced the election of Joe Major to its Board of Directors this month. Major, a resident of Hartford, brings valuable experience from his time on the Hartford Selectboard, including as vice-chair, and as the current executive director of the Upper Valley Aquatic Center. Major is the current Hartford municipal treasurer and a board member of the Vermont League of Cities and Towns.
Board President Mary Brown commented, “We are so thrilled to have Joe Major join the board of the Haven. He brings terrific organizational leadership experience, insight on community engagement, a broad and impassioned perspective, and he is a consummate team player.” Under Major’s leadership UVAC has remained a great friend of the Haven supporting them with coordinated donations for the children’s swimming program, food drives, winter coat drives and a holiday Giving Tree.
Major shared his excitement for his new position on the Haven board, “I am honored to be named a member of the Haven Board of Directors. The Haven has been a beacon of light for the local community. I will do my best to support the continuing good work that this tremendous organization is doing.” Originally from Buffalo, Major has proven to be a valuable member of the Hartford community through his passionate participation in local leadership positions.
The Upper Valley Haven is a private, nonprofit organization that with the help of the UV community has been assisting those who are experiencing poverty to be free from hunger, securely housed, and receive vital services for over 40 years. The Haven’s main location is in Hartford, VT and it operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The Haven never charges for any services and serves more than 11,000 people annually.