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People with Food Insecurities in Vermont

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People with Food Insecurities in New Hampshire

About the Community Food Market

The Community Food Market provides reliable, healthy groceries to anyone in need, regardless of income.

  • Monthly Food Shelf: Visit once a month for a full order of groceries including dairy, eggs, meat, and non-perishable food. (Quick registration)
  • Daily Food Shelf: Visit as needed for produce, bread, desserts, and specialty items. (Quick registration)
  • Grab and Go: Visit as needed for prepared foods, personal care items, and non-food items that may include clothing, books, other specialty foods, etc. (No registration)

For more details, read our Frequently Asked Questions.

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Food Shelf

In the United States, 1 in 9 People Struggle With Hunger

Children and adults face hunger throughout the Upper Valley. Many times people have no idea that their neighbor, child’s classmate or even coworker may be struggling to get enough to eat. A former Haven shelter guest and father of two sons put it best, “I don’t have to panic anymore. I know I can use the Food Shelf and work with other local agencies to get us through.”

Items in the Haven’s Community Food Market are purchased through the Vermont Foodbank as well as received through generous donations from individuals, businesses, churches, and civic groups. We are extremely grateful for our food partners and donors. Visit our Community Food Market Wish List for a list of food items we currently need. Food drives are always needed and welcome!

''During this pandemic, with money being tight, the Haven is a wonderful place to get food to help your family. I am blessed. Thank you to all the workers and volunteers there.''
Ellen Mae E.
''Today we received food from you and it brought tears to my eyes as I saw my fridge begin to get full, same with my pantry! My kids were thrilled to receive a cake and I was happy to have a nice treat for dessert tonight!''
''You have helped me and my family in our time of need and I am beyond grateful. God bless you all!''
Lindsay M.
''During this pandemic, with money being tight, the Haven is a wonderful place to get food to help your family. I am blessed. Thank you to all the workers and volunteers there.''
Ellen Mae E.