Homeless in New Hampshire – Valley News Editorial
Last updated on January 12, 2023
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From Haven Executive Director, Michael Redmond, “Thanks to the Valley News for its lead editorial in yesterday’s edition, “Homeless in NH” calling for renewed efforts to address this increasingly worsening situation with proven solutions such as expanded shelter beds to save lives and more affordable housing targeted to people who have been chronically unhoused. We are pleased that the editorial points to the Haven’s work with Twin Pines Housing Trust to develop and operate the Parkhurst Supportive Housing Project in Lebanon, now with over 4 years of successful operation, and a new 18-bed apartment building that will begin construction this spring in White River Junction, next to the Haven. The Haven is committed to continuing our work to provide the services and resources needed to end homelessness including additional shelter beds and more affordable housing, community outreach to connect people with needed services and advocacy for greater awareness of this problem, more resources and removal of legal and regulatory barriers that hinder our goals of creating communities supportive of everyone.”