Goodwill and Giving at All Ages

Goodwill and Giving at All Ages
When Devin Wilkie was growing up in Cornish, NH he and his two brothers always had what they needed, but not much more. Devin described growing up “relatively poor.” His family got by, had enough to eat, and would always make room for anyone who needed a place to sleep or to get away from home. Making more room at the table for anyone in need was an essential principle in his family life. The concept of philanthropy, however, was not part of his family’s vocabulary.
Devin attended Windsor High School and then Colby-Sawyer College. During his time at Colby-Sawyer, Devin sought a local internship, knowing he wouldn’t be able to afford to work far from home. Smart and bookish, he found an internship with Hanover’s Steerforth Press.
Devin expected to eventually leave the Upper Valley but after graduation began to work full-time at Steerforth, temporarily he thought, until he could afford a move to New York City. That job became Devin’s happy employment, and he has remained and grown with the company for more than a decade.
Lebanon, NH is now Devin’s home, and he remains not only a committed resident of the Upper Valley, but he is deeply engaged in the work of making the community a better place to live for all who call it home. Whether by leading the Lebanon Democratic Committee, organizing, and facilitating a monthly gathering for local writers, serving as a Lebanon City Councilor – through which he sits on the Advance Transit Board of Directors and Lebanon’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Commission, among others – Devin became and remains extraordinarily engaged and active.
Through his civic work in Lebanon, Devin became more aware of the crisis of unhoused individuals in the city and made a first donation to the Upper Valley Haven. When the Haven partnered with FreeWill in 2021, Devin created a will and made a bequest to the Haven. “This was the first time I understood it was even a possibility to make a donation through my will.” We often think that planned giving is for seniors only, but at any age, leaving a legacy donation ensures the Haven will continue provide programming for our most vulnerable community members in the future. “It hadn’t occurred to me I might have something to give when I am gone. Now that I am more settled in my life and know what I can do, I may go back to my will and increase that donation.” Devin’s bequest is in support of the Haven’s Shelter Services.
The Haven is grateful to donors of all ages who include a future gift of support as they make their estate plans. For more information about FreeWill or including the Haven in your will, please contact Director of Development Laura Gillespie at or by calling 802-478-1803.