A Message from the Executive Director This is a special time of year at the Haven. I’m fortunate in my position at the Haven to be able to reflect on the accomplishments we’ve made since I wrote to you at [...]
The Haven is excited to announce the start of a $9 million campaign to secure the funds needed to construct a 20-bed emergency shelter and a community resource center focused on helping people to secure housing and lead self-directed lives. […]
During COVID, the State of Vermont used federal funds to provide shelter to anyone who needed it as a public health measure, reducing the risk of exposure, illness, and death. At its peak over 2,000 households were enrolled. While there […]
Dear Friends, We’re wrapping up Hunger Action Month at the Haven but hunger and food insecurity are a year-round problem. Just this week, I heard a story on public radio that reported that forty-five percent of children in New Hampshire live in […]
The Valley News article reports that the Good Neighbor Health Clinic proposes the installation of a harm-reduction vending machine in WRJ that would be available 24 hour/day. Available items, free to anyone, would include Naloxone, a life-saving medication that can […]
The Haven welcomes and introduces L’Tonya Johnson, MSW Licensure Candidate, as our new Director of Shelter & Community Services. L’Tonya joins us from Dartmouth Health Children’s where she served as Social Worker in the Intensive Care Nursery. L’Tonya is a [...]
Calling all graphic designing, graffiti-ing, drawing, painting, cartooning, doodling, professional, amateur artists! Do you want to see your work driving around the Upper Valley on the Haven’s refrigerator van as it delivers food to our community food partners? Responding to [...]
Hi Friends, Though summer can be the time that things slow down, it seems we’ve been busier than ever. This enews edition provides insights into a lot of the activity at the Haven and in the community. We’re thrilled that […]
Our service coordinators do excellent work. Below is a brief conversation with community member Quiana, who, with the help of Haven service coordinators Diane and now Brie, has been able to find permanent housing, a stable job, and a safe [...]
Letter to the Editor from Haven Executive Director Michael Redmond For the Valley News, Saturday, June 29, 2024 The recent heat wave and the resultant health risks for broad sectors of the population have been on the minds of many. […]