Just Getting By Screening in White River Junction: A Look at Food and Housing Insecurity in Vermont

Just Getting By Screening

White River Junction, VT – On Sunday, February 2nd at 2 PM, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in White River Junction will host a special screening of Just Getting By, a film by Vermont director Bess O’Brien that highlights the resilience and challenges faced by Vermonters experiencing food and housing insecurity.

This event, held at 749 Hartford Avenue (next to the Haven), is free to the public. After the screening, attendees are invited to participate in a discussion with Bess O’Brien, local advocates, and service providers, creating an opportunity for deeper engagement and reflection on these critical issues.

Just Getting By is an intimate and thought-provoking documentary that explores the lives of everyday Vermonters grappling with the rising costs of food, housing, and other basic needs. The film shines a light on the personal stories of working families, individuals living in temporary housing, and those relying on community resources like food markets and shelters. Through these stories, it captures the incredible fortitude of Vermonters while examining the systemic challenges that impact low-income residents across the state.

“People we pass, a clerk in the store, your child’s classmate’s mother, don’t have a home. How do they survive? How can this be happening among us? What could we do to help?” said Katy Chaffee of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. “This film and discussion will bring a dark reality of our life in the Upper Valley to light. How can our consciences tolerate it?”

This screening is made possible through the collaboration of Upper Valley Haven, LISTEN Community Services, the Center for Advancing Rural Health Equity at Dartmouth Health, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, and Vital Communities. Parking is available at the St. Paul’s Church lot and next door at the Haven.

For more information about the event, contact mtaylor@uppervalleyhaven.org.

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