[PRESS RELEASE] Upper Valley Haven Awarded Northeast Delta Dental Foundation Grant
May 2022
CONTACT: Spencer Sanders, (802) 478-1806 or
Northeast Delta Dental Foundation Awards the Upper Valley Haven a $10,000 Grant for an Oral Health Fund
The Upper Valley Haven announced it has accepted a $10,000 grant from the Northeast Delta Dental Foundation to provide support for an oral health fund to low-income adults receiving assistance through Haven services.
Poor dental health has been associated with low self-esteem which can lead to mental health concerns. Individuals experiencing poverty often do not have insurance which leads to them presenting with missing teeth. Missing teeth can make it challenging to find employment, which in turn can lead to unemployment and low self-esteem. This grant will allow those experiencing poverty to have the opportunity to access affordable dental care and erase the stigma surrounding homeless people and missing teeth.
Haven Executive Director, Michael Redmond, stated, “Many of the people who come to the Haven haven’t had access to oral health for long periods in their lives. This can affect quality of life through restricted diets, untreated pain, and loss of teeth. This grant will help provide greater access to dental clinics and make a huge difference.”
About Northeast Delta Dental Foundation
Since 1995, the Foundation has supported organizations and initiatives in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont that provide oral health education and dental care to uninsured and underserved people. It is a philanthropic arm of Northeast Delta Dental, advancing its oral health and overall wellness mission and underscoring its belief that everyone deserves a healthy smile. To learn more, visit https://www.nedelta.com/foundation.
About the Upper Valley Haven
The Upper Valley Haven is a private nonprofit with a budget of $3.7 million and nearly 50 staff. Since 1980, with the help of the community, the Haven has provided services to individuals experiencing food and housing insecurity through the Haven Food Shelf, temporary shelters, supportive housing, children’s programs, and community outreach support. The Haven operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and never charges for any services. The Upper Valley Haven serves more than 14,000 people annually. To learn more, visit https://uppervalleyhaven.org/.