Jake’s Quechee Market Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary with a Food Drive

[Press Release] Jake’s Quechee Market Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary with a Food Drive
November 2023
CONTACT: Spencer Sanders, (802) 478-1806 or
Jake’s Quechee Market Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary with a Food Drive to Benefit Upper Valley Haven
Jake’s Quechee Market is celebrating their 10th anniversary this month. This family-owned business has been serving the people of Quechee for a decade. In the past 10 years, the market has become a one-stop-shop, offering a full line of grocery items and fresh, made-to-order food.
To celebrate this anniversary, Jake’s Quechee Market will hold a food drive to benefit the Upper Valley Haven. For this event there will be three levels of support for the Upper Valley Haven food shelf. Level 1 will collect the basic staples of the food shelf: macaroni and cheese, canned vegetables, peanut butter, and more. Level 2 aims to fill some of the common voids in our food shelf with different condiments: olive oil, vinegar, honey, and vanilla. The third and highest level of giving will support the Upper Valley Haven in providing a Thanksgiving meal to those who could benefit in 2023. Included will be all the stuffing, potatoes, vegetables, and everything else that ensures a full belly and sleepy afternoon this holiday season!
The process for supporting Jake’s Quechee Market and the Upper Valley Haven during this event will be simple and efficient. Customers will choose a “ticket” for one of the three levels of giving and bring it to the register. At the end of the event, Jake’s Quechee Market will order the foods that were supported by its customers and donate it directly to the Upper Valley Haven food shelf; ensuring no food is wasted in the process.
Please take a moment on your way out of the store to say hi to Haven staff members who will have a table set up outside Jake’s Quechee Market to share gratitude, information, and smiles!