Good Neighbor Health Clinic Plans a Harm Reduction Vending Machine


The Valley News article reports that the Good Neighbor Health Clinic proposes the installation of a harm-reduction vending machine in WRJ that would be available 24 hour/day. Available items, free to anyone, would include Naloxone, a life-saving medication that can reverse an overdose from opioids, and other health resources.

As quoted, the Haven’s Executive Director Michael Redmond, wrote a letter supporting the Good Neighbor application, saying that the “Haven ‘works with many of the same patients using the GNHC clinics and (has) similar interest in their health and well-being.’ 

North Main Shelter
Artist rendering of new shelter and housing resource center the Haven plans to build at 608 N Main Street in White River Junction

In a Valley News interview Redmond added, “that, similar to Good Neighbor, the Haven distributes harm reduction resources including naloxone, fentanyl and xylazine test strips and condoms, but these things are only accessible during the week when the Haven’s main building and community food market are open. ‘I applaud Good Neighbor for thinking about the population that uses their services,” Redmond said.'”

Harm-reduction resources are available, free of charge to anyone visiting the Haven, but are only accessible during the Haven’s business hours. The GNHC’s proposal would provide 24-hour access to the essential supplies that keep community members safe.

Noted in the article were additional harm-reduction efforts in the community, as well as the Haven’s plan to construct a new low-barrier shelter and resource center at 608 North Main Street in White River Junction. Construction is slated to begin in spring of 2025.

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