Vermont 2-1-1 is a simple number to dial for information about health and human service organizations in your community.
At Vermont 2-1-1, callers will speak with a real person every time. Call Specialists will problem solve and refer callers from throughout Vermont to government programs, community-based organizations, support groups, and other local resources. Vermont 2-1-1 is:
- A local call from anywhere in Vermont.
- Confidential telephone assistance.
- Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Live translation services for 170 languages.
- Access for persons who have special needs.
- Ability to transfer emergency calls to 9-1-1.
- Accurate, updated information about community resources in Vermont.
What kind of services can Vermont 2-1-1 refer me to?
Vermont 2-1-1 provides all people in Vermont with free access to community resources through information and referral (I&R) . This access includes personal assistance by telephone and online through a searchable database of services, including the following:
- Child Care Resource and Referral
- Clothing and Thrift Shops
- Consumer Services
- Crisis Services
- Discrimination Assistance
- Domestic and Sexual Violence Services
- Education—GED Instruction, Computer Classes
- Parenting Programs
- Senior Information & Assistance
- Mentoring
- Military, Family and Community Network
- Employment Services
- Food Shelves and Nutrition Programs
- Health Care Services
- Alcohol and Drug Programs
- Housing—Homeless Prevention, Shelter, Tenants’ Rights
- Independent Living Services
- Legal Assistance
- Mental Health Care and Counseling
- Stop Smoking Programs
- Support Groups
- Transportation
- Utility Assistance
- Youth and Family Services
- Veteran Services
- Volunteering
- Wellness Programs
- And More…