Hi Friends,
Though summer can be the time that things slow down, it seems we’ve been busier than ever. This enews edition provides insights into a lot of the activity at the Haven and in the community. We’re thrilled that we will finally be able to get to work on creating a new emergency shelter to meet the needs of people who are unhoused. I can tell you that from the vantage point of my office I get to see and talk to many of the people who are living outside – in the woods, under an overpass, in their car – but who stop by the Haven daily for a shower, food, to pick up mail (we’re a safe place for mail delivery for many people without a permanent address) or to speak with a service coordinator.
While we still have to raise more funds before we can start construction, we can envision a new building that will provide both a safe place to sleep and access to the resources that will help them redirect their lives with our help. The enews includes links to three recent articles in the Valley News – one that I wrote, a second that included my comments on the ongoing challenges facing people who are unhoused, and a third highlighting food access for families with school-aged children. The need for this new shelter are more apparent than ever. More to come over the next few months.
Thursday also marks the day we’re celebrating the renovation and reopening of the Haven’s food shelf ,which we have renamed the Haven Community Market. We’re thanking many of the people whose financial contributions allowed us to undertake this total renovation and expansion. We’ve been open for a few weeks and the reviews are stellar. Everyone enjoys self-shopping again and the variety and quantity of food we’re able to provide to help people get by. My deepest thanks to the Haven food services team, volunteers and market patrons who continued to support us during COVID and then the temporary location. It’s great to be home again!
In other news, I’m thrilled that the Haven will be represented at this year’s White River Junction Pride Parade this Saturday. The Haven has always been a welcoming space and we join with many others to celebrate a world where everyone’s included. And to have a lot of fun too!
That’s all for now. My best wishes to everyone and thank you for your ongoing support of our work.