With school starting this week, and Labor Day weekend looming, autumn can’t be far behind. September and even October are reliably mild in the Upper Valley, but the changes we notice in the length of day, plants and trees, and in cooler temperatures are the harbingers of the season to come.
There is a spectrum of feelings about turning the calendar page to September. Summer-lovers cling to cherished seasonal habits and refuse to notice the tinge of color in foliage. Those who detest summer’s heat and humidity welcome the relief that cooler weather brings.
No matter how you feel about it, there’s nothing you can do to stop this seasonal transition, nor what follows! Here are a few simple ideas for anyone looking to mindfully move with joy from summer into fall.
- Find some new, seasonal recipes.
- Plan fun social things with friends and family. The Valley News calendar is full of ideas.
- Make a seasonal bucket list. Who doesn’t love apple picking, a good pumpkin patch visit, hike, tailgate, corn maze, chili cookoff or a (real) pumpkin spiced latte? Do it.
- Make some space! Literally. Clear out your closets. Clean out your pantry. And freezer. And fridge. You’ll feel ready for the season to come.
- Tweak your self-care routine, or start one! We all need one.
- Find a new podcast to listen to or pick up a new book at the library.
Even if you make one more trip to the beach before the leaves turn, you know those shorter days are coming. Lean in, embrace the transition and make the most of the glory that is autumn in northern New England!