The Haven will host its annual Turkey Day & Flu Clinic as a drive-thru event on Saturday, November 20th at Hartford High School from 9 am to 12 noon. Each household will receive a turkey and sides after registering with Haven staff. With the COVID-19 pandemic still in full force, we are anticipating a greater need for food this Thanksgiving. If you are able to donate, we need stuffing and gravy mix, and canned cranberries in the weeks prior. For questions about Turkey Day, please call 802-295-6500.
The annual Turkey Trot, unoficial kick-off of the 19 Days is approaching and will be in person this year! Come out for this fun run, or walk, at 9 am on Thanksgiving morning. All proceeds raised benefit the Haven and apply to this year’s extraordinary $200,000 match from The Jack & Dorothy Byrne Foundation. This is the Foundation’s biggest match ever so please help us reach our goal!
Dan Fraser’s 9th Annual 19 Days of the Valley quickly approaches! While we officially kick off this initiative December 1st, the unofficial start is the annual Norwich Turkey Trot. Hundreds of local businesses pledge their support of the Haven during the month of December. Every time someone shops or dines locally, those businesses will donate to the Haven and contribute to our match. The pandemic has hit many of our local businesses hard and they need our support more than ever! All donations help fuel the Upper Valley economy and aid those in our community in need of assistance. #keepitlocal