Kristen Coats, Community Relations Development Coordinator at the Haven, was recently honored with the 2018 Leadership Award by the Albert Schweitzer Fellowship of NH/VT. Seen here with Fellowship Program Director, Nancy Gabriel, Kristen has invested herself as a mentor to graduate students of the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College for nearly 5 years, teaching them about the chronic illness of poverty.
The Albert Schweitzer Fellowship “develops professionals who are confident in addressing not only clinical health issues, but also the social determinants of health (including poverty, the environment, and education).” As a mentor, Kristen helps provide perspective into and education about underserved populations and how the backgrounds of Geisel students’ future patients in poverty can help inform their care.
We’re proud to have Kristen representing the Haven and thrilled that the many organizations she serves are able to learn from her about the power of community!