A Q&A with Michael Redmond

Michael Redmond started as the Haven’s new Executive Director on October 15, 2018. Before he can meet the myriad supporters and partners of the Haven throughout the Upper Valley, we asked him to share a few things about himself with you.
What made you want to apply for the Executive Director position at the Haven?
The Haven seemed like a great match for my skills and experience and it is an organization with a mission of essential services and empowerment of people who face significant challenges. Nothing I’ve learned so far has dissuaded me from this belief.
What do you most look forward to accomplishing in your role?
Working with the staff and Board of Directors to help the Haven continue to grow, serve the community, support people in the attainment of their goals for a sustainable future, and foster an environment of positive change.
Which causes mean the most to you?
I have had the great fortune of working at exemplary organizations with missions of support and empowerment for society’s most vulnerable populations throughout my career. This was true at Grand Street Settlement on the Lower East Side of New York City, St. Christopher’s Inn in Garrison, NY which supports homeless men with substance use addictions, and for the past nineteen years at the Crotched Mountain Foundation which provides education, residential support, care management, and assistive technology services to children and adults with disabilities across New Hampshire.
How do you think past positions have uniquely qualified you to lead the Haven?
Not sure there’s anything unique about my qualifications. But my role at my previous positions has been to secure the resources needed for those providing the direct services incorporated in the mission, to seek ways that the organization can function at its highest levels, to lead teams to achieve the organization’s objectives, and to seek out new opportunities where the power of our skills and capacity for building relationships can be brought to bear to solve challenging problems. I hope to focus my work at the Haven in these areas.
Of what accomplishments are you most proud?
I raised the $500,000 in funds and oversaw the design and construction of more than 2 miles of trails built at accessible standards on Crotched Mountain, the longest system of accessible trails in a mountain environment in the country when they were built. A lasting tribute to universal design and accessibility in a beautiful place that opened the outdoors to everyone.
How would your best friend introduce you to a room full of people?
Perhaps with a song. (My best friend likes to sing and has no shame.)
Who or what inspires you?
Kindness. Compassion. Commitment. Humility. Leadership by example.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I have enjoyed singing with a local chorus or opera company and acting in community theater.
What are your expectations of the Upper Valley?
Snow in the winter. Mud in the spring. Road construction in the summer. Tourists in the fall.
Morning person or night owl? A night owl is kinda cool. Probably listens to modern jazz. Wears great shades. The early bird gets the worm. No thanks.
Rain or snow? Snow Though I think there are better songs about rain.
Favorite kind of music? I’m from New Jersey – Bruce Springsteen and Frank Sinatra. Though not together.
Favorite color? I’m a NY Mets fan – Blue and Orange. And purple for sympathy and sadness. (See Mets fan as a rooting interest.)
Favorite food? I dated lots of Italian girls in high school – can’t go wrong with pizza. Except in New Hampshire where the pizza stinks. Vermont, don’t disappoint me.
Favorite place to visit? I love plays and musicals – Broadway Theater District.