Chefs of the Valley
Sunday, April 28, 2019
4:00-6:30 pm
Hanover Inn
The 12th annual Chefs of the Valley was held Sunday, April 29, 2018 at the Hanover Inn. The Haven is so grateful to our guests, chefs, auction donors, Dartmouth Aires and to all who helped make this year’s event an enormous success. Thank you and see you on Sunday, April 28, 2019.
Each spring, chefs from the Upper Valley’s best restaurants, artisan cheese makers, and beverage provisioners join together in a fundraiser to support the Haven. The event is a late afternoon gala where more than 300 guests will be able to sample cuisine prepared by these artists, listen to live music and bid on silent auction items donated by local businesses and individuals.
“Chefs of the Valley is in its 13th year, and each year adds a new twist which makes the event even more fun. We always have top-notch food from the area’s best chefs and fabulous local musicians who donate their time to play for the crowd. Come join us in 2017 – you won’t be disappointed!”- Laura Gillespie, Development & Communications Director
Chefs of the Valley raises approximately $40,000 each year for the Haven.

2017 Participating Restaurants & Beverage Providers
Questions about 2019 Chefs of the Valley? Please e-mail Ashley Wood.